Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Advice about stealing

"What advice would give to someone who stole something but now feels guilty about it and why would you give that advice."

I woulds sits the persons down and lets them tells me what they done. I woulds tell them that it was wrongs and gives them all the reasons I can thinks of. After they know the reasons I would ask thems to return the thing that they stoles back to where it belong. I would tells them that they needs to say sorry and that it wonts happen no more. I would also make sure that they knows that they could face trouble for their actions and that they needs to own to it and do right.

I do this because stealing is wrongs and thats the person needs to know it is and needs to be aware of der actions on what they do and be punished and held sponsibles. Also by havings them sees the picture arounds all it makes them more aware of what can happens to thems and the persons that they stoles from.